Phase 3 Construction

With Phase II completed, Under the Term of President Gary Kleiver and Vice President Gerald Rasmussen (Successor) uncover the 1907 hand dug well that had been covered for decades when Ault converted to North Water. With plans approved by the Colorado State Historic Society to build a wrought iron fence to secure the 13 foot well, the final step in Phase III begins with fundraising to build and install a railing around the well and transparent cover .

2 ways to DONATE

Buy an Engraved Brick for $75 to part of the small patio outside museum
Send check donations to: Ault Area Historical Museum;  P.O. Box 1452, Ault, CO 80610

Be a Part of Museum History

Order a Personalized Brick to Honor Your Family Legacy

To help preserve Ault’s historic water system and to be a part of that history, consider a financial  gift to help pay for the railing that will secure the well while allowing visitors to see inside the 40 ft. deep well. 

We accept check and cash only for contributions to the Phase III fund. The order will start at the Festival on August 3, 2024. Please visit our Museum to order the brick starting right after the festival.


The engraved bricks will be made by Stonecrafts in windsor CO. used to build a small patio will also be available for sale to engrave family member or business name. 


This is what we have now in the museum. Gerald and Gary are being resourceful to secure the area while we are waiting for the PHASE 3 construction.


Perspective view of railings and transparent cover for safety, We are still in the process of finding the best company to work on the project.

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